Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wedgie Girl Drawings What Do Guys Think Of A Girl Pulling A Wedgie?

What do guys think of a girl pulling a wedgie? - wedgie girl drawings

I think his ,,,,,,,,,,,, although they also have the right to be fun to make ,,,,,,,,,,,, any manner they think fit,,,,,, ,


John Doe said...

You mean, a girl, what a wedgie to someone? Or a girl under her own clothes to a CO?

Girl gives a wedgie someone humor
Girl setting a public wedgie: varies. Obese ugly girl is disturbing. Beautiful girl would be ... funny.

frogman said...

It was just one reason why I am in their underwear for a few years and only by HS. So I think a girl who pulls her panties off a girl who needs to find a cat fight, and when the girl pulls pants of a boy, then you might get a leg by his own leader after school.

skeleton tea said...

Not the kind of behavior expected of a doctor (unless your doctor has told his license back in a box with Cap'n Crunch).

ShiroiOj... said...

Does it feel good? Do you like the one CB? Then do it.

Anonymous said...

It really depends on the age and body type .. just sayin

yash said...

thats kinda child

Jacquot - cette fois-ci said...

Let's do this!

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