Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Female Strangling Men Videos How Do You Know If Your Man Is Jealous?

How do you know if your man is jealous? - female strangling men videos

My friend is jealous, but hide it well, sometimes saying he did not like some people I know. The thing is that if another woman is flirting with my husband and shouted angrily fat, ugly and a ho, no one makes it look bad because the man goes to someone elses is a ho! I realized that one man by another man who did not say that the other guy is ugly or stupid or so, even if they so jealous that secretly want to strangle the child, jealous why guys are so well hidden anger or jealousy? What do they do?


Tee tee said...

Perhaps recognizes that it is the friend of, not with the girl and the other, why be jealous or angry. And that's what I feel, if, as you say, HO flirting with my husband, it does not seem too angry or jealous (although I try to think so, but I draw the breath upon him), because I am the only human, and it is not.

Athena S said...

some hidden - or not! and sometimes just do not worry! and the type of person that you do not want you because you do not know if it's with someone else! They are experts at hiding their feling then you never know when you're with him!

Macho Machine said...

He is more mature than you. Nothing positive comes from jealousy.

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