Monday, February 22, 2010

Recommendation Letter Template Company Where Shall I Put The Letter Of Recommendation?

Where shall I put the Letter of Recommendation? - recommendation letter template company

I am looking for a job, but I do not know the order of the materials they present: 1 Letter: 2 Prev 3 Letters of recommendation or should the letter of recommendation on the top?

In addition, it would be great if you could help me write a set number of "self" that is used in professional life. My English is not impressive enough to write to, but I'm applying for a job for an American company. I want to say "I have two years of professional experience, I am a very responsible job, I am eager to learn and fast detection. I have the team spirit. M reliable and integrated ..." Please help me make this official sounding phrases and impressive ..........

PleasePlease help me, thank you very, very much a !!!!!

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