Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ringworm Reports I Have Gotten 2 Cats From The Same Lady At Different Times And They Both Have Ringworm.?

I have gotten 2 cats from the same lady at different times and they both have ringworm.? - ringworm reports

The lady is a registered foster home on animals have been saved to go to a good home. If your report for ringworm or shut up and think about all the good she has?



IF you support cats long enough, you will receive with W ringworm.
Cats are carriers of it.
However, it must take more cats until clear. If it continues to store new cat, ringworm continue indefinitely.
Veterinary Tech I WADA in an animal shelter for cats and I saw tons of ringworm. Everything you need to take a cat and then you have a "big bang".
It is not fatal, but it's a big pain, and the people are not with the adoption of cats, very happy. It can and it is to be transmitted to humans and many schools, children stay at home with him. If you are a doctor, you can infect people who have enough problems.
Therefore you can not discuss the problem to get his punishment, but what is a Hault eat cats in the house.

You know I have! You can not know. I thought that the spores can bathe the cat .... but can not. It has a bathroom. And that means it will still ringworm.

capprica... said...

It really sounds as if trying to hide. It unethical.

When should you work with a larger organization to help them right away. When working alone, we must say that you already have cats given untreated lichens, and they did not even have the courtesy to inform you of the infection that treatment is delayed.

It is really stupid and irresponsible of her. It will really hurt the efforts of the adoption of when they start the infected cats and new owners to become healthy.

Jada said...

You all need to be dealt with ringworm is very contagious, as you can get ..... UR CATS

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